As an event organizer, you need to know the tricks on how to film your conference and promote it to your target audience. Producing a creative recap video may be crucial for your organization to get more attendees on your next event. Combined with a well-planned marketing strategy it will mean success.
How do You Unlock More Conversions Using Promotional Event Videos?
There is a reason why video is the most powerful marketing tool. It boosts engagement, it can be shared on any social media platform, or published on any site and if it becomes viral everyone will hear about your event. For that reason, make sure to capture the most important segments of your event and present them in the best way possible. In order to do that, you will need to have a professional team that will know how to film your conference. Here are a few tips on how you and your team of camera operators should prepare for the filming.
1. Plan the shooting and be prepared to film the conference
Before the event, it’s imperative that you make a precise plan of everything that needs to be captured. If you are not sure what to include in the video – see a few examples of similar events and you will get the idea. Most event videos have the same concept – shoot the registration booth, the venue, attendees networking during the breaks, part of the stage with a speaker during a presentation, and their audience. The best tip that you can get is to write everything down, if possible with a time schedule and a shooting schedule. In this way, you won’t miss anything.
2. Get the required video and audio equipment
First of all, you need to determine the venue requirements – whether it’s a bigger scale place or just a small conference room. This will help you decide how many cameras your team would need and you will know how to film your conference. Don’t forget the audio equipment and if additional microphones are needed for recording interviews. Also, if the venue is dark, you should consider bringing extra lighting equipment. On some occasions, the camera operator might need a tripod or a shoulder rig to make sure that the camera is steady.
3. Scout the venue and map the location
This part is closely connected with the planning process and getting the right filming equipment. Venue scouting is checking the place where the videographers are supposed to shoot and getting more information about what type of equipment will be required. This can be done a day before the event or even earlier so that the filming crew can find out from the staff there if, for example, the camera is compatible with their audio mixer and speakers, or they need to bring more cables. Also, you should figure out what are the ideal locations for setting the cameras up to record the interviews, shoot the stage, and capture the registration booth from the best angle. Don’t skip this part!
4. Think about the video editing
If you are the person who will be doing the editing of the footage on top of filming, this would be logical to you. However, in some cases, there is another person who is in charge of the post-production part. So, you have to think like an editor, don’t make sloppy shots that would be difficult to work with. Create a concept of how the video should look like and make a story with short clips. It is always a good idea to make two similar shots so that the editor has something to choose from.
5. Communicate with the event organizer
Good communication is the key to success for anything. The same goes for filming a conference. The video crew should always have great communication with the event organizer – they need to understand what is the purpose of the video, what the event organizer wants to highlight and promote, and what kind of message to convey. As a videographer, always talk to the person in charge at the event, get their contact, and go to them for any questions or concerns you might have. It’s better to fix something right there instead of trying to cover up your mistakes later.
6. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst
Never forget to bring an additional piece of equipment. If your microphone doesn’t work when you start recording the interviews, you will avoid a disaster by bringing another one with you. A small thing like this can make you look good in the eyes of your client. Remember to charge your batteries and maybe bring an extra one in case something goes wrong. Even when you are sure that you have every piece of equipment, you can never be too careful. Besides, it wouldn’t cost you anything to bring an extra piece of equipment and it might make you a hero.
7. Show up at the venue early
Yes, you have done your venue scouting and your shooting schedule is ready, all your equipment is here. Still, show up for the filming early, go for at least one hour before registration opens. This is just another part of the preparation and the “prepare for the worst” scenario. Who knows, maybe there have been some changes in the organization and they moved the registration booth to a different location. If you have already found the perfect spot for shooting, this will require finding a new one. Better safe, than sorry.
8. Look out for the empty chairs and bored faces
When you are creating a promotional event recap video your goal is to show your audience how great your event is. If they see empty chairs in the room on the video or people that are not really having fun, the viewers will get the impression that it wasn’t a very interesting event. How to film your conference? – Take many shots of the people in the audience that are engaging with the speakers, asking questions, and are actually having a good time. Record the networking part of the event, this is when the attendees are communicating with each other. In this way, the viewers would go and get registered for your conference immediately.
Gather the best team of professionals that knows how to film a conference
Now that you are convinced that creating a recap event video of your conference is a ‘must’, the only thing you need to do is to get the right team. As mentioned above, communication is crucial in this process, so everyone in the team needs to know their role and do their job. If you don’t know where to find a video crew, contact Ignite Global Media. This team of professionals will make sure to produce the video you need and help you achieve your goals.